The mechanism of action of NMN - Knowledge

The mechanism of action of NMN

Dec 08, 2022 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

NMN (beta-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) can be directly converted into NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) molecules after entering the body, and the latter plays a key regulatory role in more than 400 metabolic reactions. These include three key proteins closely related to the mechanism of cell aging: PARP1 (DNA repair enzyme), Sirts (acetylase, also known as "longevity protein") and CD38 (specific immunosuppressive protein).

The mechanism of action of NMN

NAD+ levels have been found to decline with age in mice, rats, and humans. NAD+ levels have also been found to decrease in models of Alzheimer's disease and heart failure. Depletion of NAD+ molecules will lead to a decrease in the activity of key enzymes such as PARP1, Sirts, and CD38, which will trigger a series of chain reactions such as mitochondrial dysfunction and DNA repair obstacles, and become an important cause of aging.

Many studies have shown that NMN supplementation can effectively improve the above-mentioned reactions caused by NAD+ deficiency. For example, Professor David A Sinclair from Harvard Medical School found that adding NMN to the water of aged mice nearly doubled their exercise tolerance. Another study found that injections of NMN can counteract the cognitive decline that accompanies aging. In addition, Professor Shin-ichiro Imai of Washington University (Washington University School) found that promoting the synthesis of NMN can more than double the remaining lifespan of aged mice, and the sleep quality and appearance of skin and hair of mice have been significantly improved.

Mitochondria are the most important "energy powerhouses" in cells, and most of the metabolic activities in cells must use the energy stored in ATP. Mitochondria store energy from food in ATP for use in subsequent metabolic activities. Compared with young mice, the mitochondrial function of aged mice decreased, and NMN supplementation can increase the activity of NAD+-dependent Sirts enzymes, remove excessive acetylation modification of mitochondrial proteins, regulate the activity of downstream metabolic enzymes, and greatly increase the energy provided by mitochondria The ability to "nourish" various tissues and organs, and resist aging.

The mechanism of action of NMN

Dr. Tamas Kiss from the Health Science Center of the University of Oklahoma (University of Oklahoma) found that NMN supplementation improved the mitochondrial function of brain astrocytes and reversed the phenomenon of "memory loss" in aged mice. Professor Xiong Bo from Nanjing Agricultural University found that NMN supplementation can improve the mitochondrial function of oocytes, promote the mitosis process, and reduce the reproductive harm of toxic chemicals. Professor Liu Jianren from Case Western Reserve University in the United States found that NMN supplementation can improve the mitochondrial function of cardiomyocytes, improve the contractility of cardiomyocytes, and improve heart failure. In addition to the three studies mentioned above, many other studies have confirmed that NMN can improve mitochondrial function, resist aging and various diseases.

If the human body is a car, DNA is its blueprint. If the blueprint remains intact, ideally the car can return to its original shape no matter how long it has been driven, because worn parts can be updated at any time according to the blueprint. The double-helix structure of DNA makes it extremely self-repairing. If any one of the strands is damaged, the other strand can be used as a template to quickly repair it. Under some extreme conditions, the two strands of DNA are broken at the same time. After losing the template, the cell will urgently start the "elaborate repair" program to save the DNA damage.

As we age, DNA becomes more prone to breakage and less able to "elaborately repair". These damages accumulate with age and are one of the driving forces of aging. Therefore, repairing DNA damage is central to reversing aging. A research team composed of scientists from Europe, the United States and Australia found that supplementing NAD+ precursors such as NMN can increase the activity of the NAD+-dependent PARP1 enzyme. PARP1 is a key enzyme that helps repair double-strand breaks in DNA, so supplementing NMN can reverse DNA damage.

Tag: NMN

Supplier Introduction: China glutathione supplier and NMN manufacturer GSHworld, the company mainly develops biotechnology and industrialization. As a global pioneer in enzymatic catalytic ATP regeneration technology, our company advocates green production and is committed to providing customers with better and more environmentally friendly products and services. Glutathione Manufacturer,NMN Factory,Citicoline Sodium supplier,China NMN manufacturers

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