The relationship between NMN and liver health - Knowledge

The relationship between NMN and liver health

Aug 08, 2023 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

The liver is a large metabolic organ in the human body. There are more than 700 kinds of human body reactions in the liver. It synthesizes protein, synthesizes glycogen to store energy, decomposes toxic substances that invade the human body from the outside, and stores 95% of vitamin A and other vitamins in the human body. The largest iron storage station in the world produces bile, a digestive juice that specifically dissolves fat.

In 2011, the University of Washington in the United States cultured mouse liver cells in NMN, and mouse liver cells are similar to humans.


Experimental results show that liver cells can absorb NMN and convert it into NAD+ autonomously.

In 2016, a study found that the lack of NAD+ in the human body is an important reason for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in middle-aged and elderly people.

Experimental findings: 1. The older you get, the less NAD+ content in liver cells, and the NAD+ content in liver cells drops significantly after the age of 45. 2. Insulin resistance and liver fibrosis significantly increased in liver cells lacking NAD+, thus inducing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

At the end of the experiment, the scientists found that adding a NAD+ precursor supplement, NR (niacin), to the diet almost completely corrected steatosis and steatohepatitis in the mouse liver. However, NR (niacin) first synthesizes NMN in the human body, and then synthesizes NAD+, so directly supplementing NMN is a more effective method.

In the experiment, after the scientists fed the mice with high-fat food, the mice suffered from fatty liver and liver hypertrophy. Adding NAD+ prerequisite supplements to the high-fat diet significantly improved the fatty liver of the mice.

In 2018, the School of Biomedical Sciences of the University of Cambridge published a paper in the journal Nature. The paper showed that scientists found that the NAD+ content in mice was significantly restored on the second day after feeding NMN to mice with alcoholic liver disease, and NMN was effective Increases in markers of liver damage, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, were prevented.

In 2019, scientists found through mouse gene sequencing experiments that ethanol can mutagenize 1778 genes in mice, and NMN can effectively protect 437 genes from ethanol attack. After the human body ingests alcohol, its metabolic pathway is very complicated, but it is certain that 90% of alcohol must be metabolized by the liver.

In 2021, Deng Haiteng's research group at Tsinghua University discovered that NMN can effectively prevent liver fibrosis. In May 2022, Deng Haiteng's research group from Tsinghua University published a paper in the top journal "Cells" again. They found that 4 weeks of NMN supplementation can improve the overall increase in protein acetylation caused by liver aging, reduce aging-related dysfunction, and regulate Fatty acid beta oxidation, tricarboxylic acid cycle, and valine degradation.

These studies have explored the relationship between NMN and liver health. From these studies, we can see that increasing the level of NMN in the body can not only improve the health of the liver, but also improve the metabolic levels of the body.

Tag: NMN

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