Can you really delay aging by supplementing NMN? - Knowledge

Can you really delay aging by supplementing NMN?

Jun 07, 2022 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

Aging not only refers to the aging of the face, it is a natural phenomenon of human beings, with the passage of time, the gradual loss of physiological integrity, the impairment of bodily organ function, and various degrees of disability, which eventually leads to death. Recent reports indicate that the use of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) can delay aging and even make people look younger.

Can you really delay aging by supplementing NMN?

Japan was the first country to start studying NMN for clinical use in humans, and in some experimental animal models, NMN has been shown to delay normal aging in animals. Studies have shown that during aging, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels are significantly reduced in multiple organs, and the decline in NAD+ levels is a fundamental feature of aging; SIRT1 is an NAD-dependent protein Acetylase, which is involved in the modulation of molecular clock components, increases NAD+ content, which increases the activity of SIRT1, thereby restoring the circadian rhythm system in aged mice.

Mills et al. administered the experimental group of mice for 12 months. Compared with the control group, NMN administration could effectively reduce the age-related physiological decline, inhibit age-related weight gain, enhance energy metabolism, and promote Physical activity, improved insulin sensitivity and lipid profile, improved eye function and other pathophysiologies; and NMN was found to have no apparent toxic or deleterious effects by assaying mouse platelets, blood chemistry panels, and urine cytotoxicity safety; and oral NMN is rapidly absorbed and converted to NAD + in peripheral organs such as liver and skeletal muscle.

Given that NAD+ levels decline under conditions of aging or reduced health span, suggesting that reduced NAD+ levels may be a major cause of aging, supplementation with NMN can increase NAD+ levels, thereby delaying aging and preventing certain age-related factors. disease.

Source: Li Qingzhuo, Mei Xingguo, Wu Jiliang. Research progress of NMN in age-related diseases [J]. Journal of Hubei University of Science and Technology (Medical Edition), 2021, 35(03): 270-273. DOI: 10.16751/ j.cnki.2095-4646.2021.03.0270.

Tag: NMN

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