NMN Reverses Intestinal Aging - News

NMN Reverses Intestinal Aging

Aug 19, 2022 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

Chinese scientists found that NMN restored age-related deterioration of the intestinal lining by enhancing natural antioxidant defenses and reducing inflammation in aged mice.


1.Increasing cellular NAD+ with NMN restored the structure of the gut wall in aged mice, suggesting improved nutrient absorption.

2.NMN increases the activation of genes associated with gut barrier integrity, providing a means to restore leaky gut function.

3.Intestinal wall strengthening is achieved by enhancing antioxidant defenses and reducing inflammation through NMN.

Our gut not only absorbs nutrients needed to sustain life, but also acts as a protective barrier to the outside world. When this barrier is broken, harmful molecules such as pathogens can sneak into our bloodstream and wreak havoc on our other organs. Research shows that this disorder is impaired with aging. However, a new study published in Food & Function suggests that Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) can help.

NMN Reverses Intestinal Aging

NMN, a molecule that enhances nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), prevents age-related intestinal dysfunction, researchers from the Jiangxi Academy of Sciences in China report. Ru and colleagues showed that NMN enhances NAD+ and restores gut wall structure in aged mice, and NMN increases genes associated with gut barrier integrity. Furthermore, the results showed that NMN works by reducing inflammation and enhancing natural (endogenous) antioxidants.

In addition, NMN increased the activation of oxetines (Sirt3 and Sirn6), enzymes that use NAD+ for fuel and are associated with improved antioxidant capacity and reduced inflammation. These findings suggest that NMN reverses intestinal aging by boosting antioxidants and by initiating oxetine to reduce inflammation.

In addition to this study, NMN has been shown to protect the gut, restore the vitality of intestinal stem cells, and rescue colonic degeneration in aged rodents. Nicotinamine riboside (NR), another NAD+ precursor, has been shown to improve intestinal lining function and restore intestinal stem cell viability. These studies show that boosting NAD+, a molecule that declines with aging, is thought to underlie age-related diseases such as neurodegeneration, heart disease and obesity, and may also underlie gut aging. Since leaky gut is associated with liver disease and Alzheimer's disease, boosting NAD+ with NMN may also help prevent or alleviate these and other diseases by reversing gut aging.

Tag: NMN

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