Glutathione Has Important Effects On The Skin And Various Cells in The Skin. - News

Glutathione Has Important Effects On The Skin And Various Cells in The Skin.

Apr 12, 2022 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

Telorack et al found that low concentrations of GSH were sufficient to support the growth of keratinocytes and wound healing in mouse experiments. In mice deficient in vitamin A (vitamin A is also an important antioxidant), GSH played an important role as an antioxidant. The higher the level of GSH in the mouse skin, the lower the level of ROS (reactive oxygen species free radicals).

Antioxidant and whitening are related. In an open-label trial in the Philippines, women with type VI and type V took lozenges containing GSH for 8 weeks, and after two weeks, they saw a reduction in melanin and no adverse effects.

Glutathione Has Important Effects On The Skin And Various Cells in The Skin.

In a double-blind, randomized controlled trial in Thailand, subjects were given GSH (250 mg/d) or GSSH (250 mg/d) or placebo for 12 consecutive weeks to test skin melanin index, wrinkles and other physiological indicators, It was found that both the GSH group and the GSSG group tended to reduce melanin and wrinkle improvement, while the GSH group had a more significant wrinkle improvement effect. Skin elasticity also improved in both test groups. No serious adverse reactions were found in the study. (A friendly reminder here: One of the main ingredients in many whitening pills is GSH.)

There is a very interesting study done by Chung B Y et al. They used in vitro cell experiments and found that extracellular GSH itself does not inhibit melanin synthesis, but extracellular GSH monoethyl ester can significantly inhibit melanin synthesis. Therefore, GSH may be converted into monoethyl ester in the body and then play a role, or play a role directly, or play a whitening effect through other ways, it is necessary to further confirm, because other studies have found that GSH can inhibit the synthesis of melanoma cells Melanin, the results of this study also need to be repeated. In any case, the free radical scavenging effect of GSH and the inhibition of melanin synthesis by intracellular GSH are conclusive.

Tag: Glutathione

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