4 Points to Pay Attention to when Taking Citicoline Scientifically - Knowledge

4 Points to Pay Attention to when Taking Citicoline Scientifically

Mar 02, 2023 / Author: China Glutathione suppliers & NMN manufacturers

Citicoline is an activator of central nervous cell energy metabolism, which can effectively promote the metabolism of brain cells and improve brain function. It is often used clinically to treat central system diseases such as cerebral infarction, brain atrophy, and senile dementia. Clinical studies have shown that It can effectively protect brain cells and promote nervous system recovery.


The mechanism of action of citicoline is very complex, and it can improve brain function in many ways.


The mechanism of action of citicoline is very complex, and it can improve brain function in many ways.


First of all, citicoline can effectively improve the microcirculation of the brain and promote blood supply to the brain. Patients with cerebral infarction often have insufficient blood supply to local tissues, leading to stress reactions in brain blood vessels, vasoconstriction, and blood viscosity will gradually increase, which will further aggravate brain deficiency and hypoxia. Pharmacological studies have shown that citicoline can effectively dilate blood vessels in the brain. Reduce cerebrovascular resistance, while citicoline can reduce blood viscosity, thereby effectively improving cerebral circulation, reducing the size of cerebral infarction, and protecting the integrity of brain structure.


Second, citicoline can improve energy metabolism in brain cells. When cerebral infarction occurs, brain cells will have abnormal energy metabolism due to hypoxia deficiency, resulting in a decrease in the synthesis of endogenous citicoline, which in turn will lead to brain cells being unable to resist hypoxia deficiency and apoptosis. Citicoline can effectively increase the level of citicoline in brain cells, promote the energy metabolism of cells, improve the tolerance of brain cells against hypoxia, maintain the integrity of brain cells, and maintain the normal function of the brain.


Third, citicoline can repair damaged brain cells. Citicoline can effectively increase the permeability of brain cells to sodium ions, increase the uptake of glutamate by glial cells, and can promote and repair damaged nerve cells.


Finally, citicoline can increase brain excitability and enhance the function of the pyramidal system. Pharmacological studies have shown that citicoline can mediate the rapid excitation of the central nervous system, thereby enhancing the function of the brainstem reticular structure ascending activation system, and at the same time, it has the effect of enhancing the pyramidal system, improving limb paralysis, and has the effect on the brain controlling limb movement. A certain boost.


H1. Can citicoline be taken orally for a long time? Are there any side effects?
The recovery of cerebral infarction is often a long-term process, and the recovery period of most patients is more than half a year. Can citicoline be taken for a long time? The answer is that patients with cerebral infarction are not recommended to take citicoline for a long time, generally within 3-6 months, long-term oral administration may cause adverse reactions.


4 Points to Pay Attention to when Taking Citicoline Scientifically


Citicoline is mostly used in the acute phase and recovery phase of cerebral infarction. Clinical studies have shown that citicoline can effectively reduce the infarct size in the acute stage of cerebral infarction, protect the structure and function of brain cells, and improve the prognosis of patients with cerebral infarction. Taking citicoline during the recovery period of cerebral infarction can promote the recovery of nerve function and structure, especially by increasing the function of the pyramidal system to improve the control of the brain over the limbs and promote the recovery of limb function in patients with cerebral infarction. However, for patients with cerebral infarction for more than 6 months, the therapeutic significance of continuing to take citicoline is not obvious. The role of nerves is also limited. Although it may have a certain effect on promoting the recovery of limb function, compared with conventional rehabilitation therapy, the effect is not obvious.


Secondly, long-term oral administration of citicoline is likely to cause adverse reactions, the most common of which are insomnia, limb numbness, tremor, etc., and sometimes severe extrapyramidal system reactions, because the essence of citicoline is to promote brain excitement. Drugs, especially the pyramidal system, have obvious effects. After a small number of patients take it for a long time, it is easy to cause limb tremors and increase muscle tension, which is not conducive to the recovery of limb function in patients with cerebral infarction. It is not recommended for patients with cerebral infarction to take citicoline for a long time. It is hoped that patients in need can standardize medication under the guidance of doctors.


H2. Citicoline is commonly used clinically to treat the following 4 diseases


The clinical application of citicoline is very extensive. It is often used to treat central system damage caused by craniocerebral injury and cerebrovascular accident. It is used in different ways in different diseases, so we must pay attention to individualized medication. Clinically, citicoline is often used to treat the following 4 diseases.


1. Cerebral infarction

Citicoline can be used to treat acute cerebral infarction as well as convalescent cerebral infarction. In the acute stage, citicoline injection is commonly used clinically, and combined with anticoagulation, thrombolysis and other basic treatments, it can effectively improve the microcirculation of brain tissue, improve the energy metabolism of brain cells, and protect the structure and function of brain cells at the same time. , to promote the recovery of damaged nerve cells; in the remission period, oral citicoline is often used clinically, and long-term administration can reduce cerebral infarction, protect brain function, and at the same time can promote the recovery of limb function and improve the prognosis of patients with cerebral infarction.


4 Points to Pay Attention to when Taking Citicoline Scientifically


2. Central nervous system injury caused by craniocerebral trauma

Traumatic brain injury refers to head tissue damage caused by violence on the skull, mainly including skull fractures and brain injuries, and citicoline is one of the commonly used drugs for clinical treatment of traumatic brain injury. Clinical studies have shown that patients with craniocerebral trauma can effectively protect neuron cells and myelin sheath after injection of citicoline, improve brain circulation, reduce trauma-induced hypoxia damage to brain tissue, and reduce brain swelling, brain herniation and other hazards probability of symptoms.


3. Brain atrophy

Cerebral atrophy is a degenerative disease of the central nervous system that occurs frequently in the elderly, and is an inducing factor for various diseases such as stroke and senile dementia. Citicoline is one of the commonly used drugs for clinical brain atrophy. Clinical studies have shown that citicoline can effectively improve the metabolic level of brain cells, promote blood supply to the brain, protect the integrity of neuron cell structure and function, and can effectively delay brain atrophy. , improve headache, dizziness, memory loss and other symptoms.


4. Chronic cerebral insufficiency

Chronic cerebral insufficiency is one of the common diseases of the elderly. The clinical manifestations are headache, dizziness, etc., and even syncope in severe cases, which seriously threatens the health of the elderly. Citicoline is one of the drugs for chronic cerebral insufficiency. Clinical studies have shown that citicoline can improve blood supply to the brain, especially the microcirculation of brain tissue, and at the same time promote the metabolism of brain cells, protect brain function, and relieve headaches, dizziness and other symptoms.


H3. 4 points for attention when taking citicoline scientifically


Although citicoline itself is relatively safe, it can still cause a variety of adverse reactions if taken improperly. Therefore, it is recommended to use it under the guidance of a specialist. When taking citicoline scientifically, you should pay attention to the following 4 points.


1. Pay attention to the dosage form and usage of the drug

There are two types of citicoline, injection and oral. Injection is mainly used in the acute stage of cerebral infarction or craniocerebral trauma, with a dosage of 250-500mg each time; oral agent is mostly used in the remission stage or chronic Period, the routine taking method is 200mg each time, 3 times a day.

Secondly, citicoline is irritating to the gastrointestinal tract, so it is recommended to take it after meals to reduce adverse reactions, and citicoline is not suitable for long-term use, and it is recommended that patients in need take it under the guidance of a doctor.


2. Pay attention to the adverse reactions of drugs

The most common adverse reactions of citicoline are gastrointestinal reactions, such as dry mouth, loss of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, etc., but most of them are tolerable; secondly, a small number of patients may have allergic reactions, rashes, Pruritus, etc., it is recommended to stop the drug for such patients; third, very few patients will experience abnormal liver and kidney function during the medication period, and there will be abnormal increases in liver enzymes, creatinine and other indicators, so it is recommended to use cautiously for patients with abnormal liver and kidney function; finally , A very small number of patients will experience various adverse reactions of the central nervous system such as limb numbness, tremor, and insomnia during the medication. It is recommended that patients with such reactions temporarily stop taking the drug.


3. Pay attention to medication for special populations

Pregnant women and breastfeeding women are contraindicated, lack of relevant research data, and safety is unknown; contraindicated for children, lack of relevant research data; the elderly should adjust the dose, keep the dose as low as possible, and adjust the drug dose according to clinical needs; patients with sleep disorders should use it with caution. It is easy to aggravate insomnia.


4. Pay attention to the reaction between drugs

Citicoline is not suitable for combined use with chloral aldehyde drugs, such as chloral hydrate, etc., which will easily aggravate the depression of central nervous system function.


To sum up, citicoline is a commonly used drug for the clinical treatment of cerebral infarction, cerebral atrophy, chronic cerebral insufficiency and other diseases. It can effectively improve brain metabolism, promote brain circulation, and protect brain function, but we must pay attention to the dose used And methods, and long-term use is not recommended, it is recommended that patients in need take medication under the guidance of a doctor; secondly, be sure to pay attention to adverse reactions during the period of taking, and report to the doctor in time if it occurs.

Tag: Citicoline

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